Erste Group Shared Services (EGSS)

Erste Group Shared Services (EGSS), s.r.o. was established in May 2010 in Hodonin, Czech Republic / South Moravia as a daughter company of Erste Group Bank AG, to provide the services exclusively for companies of Financial group of Erste.

Who we are

We provide high-quality banking services exclusively for banks and other members of Erste Group. more

What we do

As a service provider for the Erste Group, we offer a wide range of high-quality services - from payments processing and client data maintenance to financing and financial markets services. more


Erste Group Shared Services (EGSS), s.r.o.
Narodni trida 3654/44
695 01 Hodonin, Czech Republic
IČO: 29216061, DIČ: CZ699001261 more


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